London - Sights And Markets - Day 1
After both having started new jobs at the beginning of this year, in May we finally managed to take a few days off for ourselves to have a little trip. Since I have a friend there that I really wanted to visit for a while, and it had also been on our… Read more
Day 17 - The scenic Denali Highway
The beginning of our trip to the Denali Highway led us up the Glenn Highway, a route we had taken before, up to Glennallen. From there we followed the Richardson Highway to Paxson where we finally took a turn onto the Denali Highway. Just getting there… Read more
Day 13 & 14 - Weekend
This weekend we didn't do very much, but instead used the time to regenerate and plan our next trip. Next week we'll be going up to Denali National Park where we'll hopefully get to see Mt. McKinley and a lot of other beautiful landscape. Maybe even some… Read more
Day 15 - Visiting Anchorage Downtow
Anchorage Downtown
Day 11 - Puffins, Exit Glacier and more clouds
Even though it had rained hard all night, in the morning it started to clear up and we did even see a bit of blue sky for a while. Since the weather conditions didn't seem stable we decided to go for a indoor-activity today. Therefore we visited the… Read more
Day 10 - From Homer to Seward
Day 10 started with a lot of rain at night, which made packing up the tent much harder than hoped for. The rain kept pouring down while we travelled up the Sterling Highway towards Kenai, where we intended to do a short surprise-stop to visit some… Read more
Day 9 - Homer
After a nice breakfast with Bagels and Cream Cheese we walked out to the Homer Spit. The view from the top of that short strip of land was incredible, since we basically had a 360° view around Kachemak Bay. The weather was OK, it wasn't very cold and it… Read more
Day 8 - The Kenai Peninsula
The start of our second week in Alaska also marked the beginning of our second road trip. This time we're not going up into interior Alaska, but rather down south to visit the Kenai Peninsula. With a pop-up trailer attached to the huge car we started our… Read more
Day 6 - Trip back to Eagle River
Our day #6 in Alaska started really early as we wanted to go pick blueberries again before we had to leave Tok. We got up at 5 o'clock to do so, and after about one and a half hours of picking we ended up having a whole bucket of blueberries that we got… Read more
Day 5 - Going nuts with the GoKart and the Muklukland
The second day in Tok did also start quite uneventful. As we already told you, we picked lots of lots of blueberries on our way back home from Shen. If you want to use those tasty little blue things for a cake (Donna made a yummy coffeecake) you’re… Read more